Sunday, July 8, 2012

Getting a Head Start

Since it's official that I will be pursuing National Board Certification, I decided to get a head start to save myself some stress later. This has been as simple as going to one website/group, reading the posts, and connecting with others from there.

These are the free resources that I located (in this order):

1. I joined the National Board Group on LinkedIn and have started forming connections with people that are NBCTs.

2. One of my connections from the group works at National University and gave me information about online support.

3. From that contact, I joined the website I became a member of the Alliance of National Board EDGEucators, which opens up another realm of support for candidates.

4. From the website above, I found out I would have access to online resources and support. I registered for a Splash Start Orientation that will be online. If you are in the California area there are on campus locations, as well.

5. I joined a Yahoo Group for my certification area (Exceptional Needs Specialist). There are also groups for other certification areas.

6. I joined the National Board group on Facebook. There was useful information there from WhatWorks and I followed her advice in the posts. WhatWorks also has an inexpensive book out titled: What Works: Successful Strategies for Pursuing National Board Certification by Bobbie Faulkner.

7. I visit the Iris Room on I have been reviewing old posts and soaking up the advice. WhatWorks is also a National Board mentor and frequent poster on this site. She really goes above and beyond to help candidates out. You can definitely trust her advice. She will even communicate with you by email and offer advice and resources.

Be sure to stay tuned for my next post about Beginning Entry 4.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much, I am bookmarking this post and checking into all the resources you mentioned that I can get into now.

    SM Collins
