Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

It's been ages since I've had a chance to create a new post! As my New Year's Resolution, I am going to try to post at least once a month... if possible, once a week.

Well, since my last post several things have happened:

1. I received a group of students unlike any other group I've taught! I thought I was going to lose my mind for an hour, but I've finally gotten it all worked out. Let's hope the Winter Holidays didn't undo all of my hard work. I'll address exactly what I did in a post later this month.

2. I've developed a profound relationship with my National Board Standards and Portfolio Entries.

3. I am absolutely in awe of Sean McCarthy, Joanna Murray, and Ellie Pike! These are the knowledgeable, wonderful people from National University's Professional Development Teaching Center. If you are going through the National Board process or considering going through the process check out their website at Another post will be dedicated to NBCTWave soon.

4. I was named my schools 2012-2013 Teacher of the Year! What an honor!!

I hope you all are well! Thank you for those of you who have sent comments! I also appreciate the followers I have! Please keep your comments and questions coming.